We've got great news Chicago enters Phase 3

Chicago has entered Phase 3 of gradual re-opening. What this means is we will be able to begin hosting outdoor classes and private 1:1 classes indoors! We are so excited to see you! We will be teaching our first outdoor class Sunday, 12pm at the Senn High School Quad. We plan on teaching as many outdoor classes as possible.
A HUGE thank you goes to Senn High School and their Principal, Mary Beck, for working with us swiftly. Our first outdoor class will be a special 90-minute yoga class taught by Cat followed by a guided meditation by Charles. Our intention is to honor George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Nina Pop and many others who live in an unjust world. We hope to bring our community together in-person and online for a moment of peace, hope and unity.
Please read this whole email for more information on the classes, instructions and new rules. I will send a separate email about private classes. In the meantime, please feel free to email us if you KNOW you would like a private class in our yoga school :)
Outdoor Classes @ Senn High School Quad
Max capacity 10 people. These classes will sell out fast. We will host them every day we can, weather-permitting.
Pre-registration is required. Video tutorial on booking classes here.
Class full? No problem! All outdoor classes will be livestreamed, so you can join us online. Every Sunday's class will be livestreamed to Facebook Live. The rest will be livestreamed through our website. Follow us on Facebook here.
No Shows: Only sign up if you know you will make it and please cancel at least 2 hours ahead of time if you can't. If you are a no-show on a class package, you will have a class taken away. If you are on a membership, the no-show penalty is $20.
You can only book up to one week in advance so we all get a chance to practice.
Rain If we have to cancel because of rain, we will send you a text and email to the information on your profile to let you know!
No mat/towel rentals
Mats 10 feet apart (per city's guidelines.) Please maintain social distancing
Please bring a face mask
We will provide hand sanitizer. Please wash or sanitize hands before and after class.
Self-screening: Please refrain from coming if you have symptoms of illness.
We cannot wait to see you. I hope that this gives you a feeling of us coming a little closer together through all this.
I miss you all and love you all,
Cat (She/Her/Hers)
Our mission is to teach students of all abilities, ages and conditions to create positive change, body, mind, soul in a welcoming and supportive space. We start with the spine.
We welcome people of any race, ethnicity, size, fitness level, gender identity or expression, nationality, sexual orientation, ability level, religion, culture, subculture, political opinion, identity, and self-identification. ALL ARE WELCOME here!